Darjeeling Peace Pagoda is a tourist attraction

Darjeeling Peace Pagoda


The Peace Pagoda is located at Jalapahar hill in Darjeeling.  This is one of the many Peace Pagodas built around the world to unite all people in the world for peace. The premises has a Japanese temple.
The Peace Pagoda is one of the popular tourist attractions in Darjeeling. The peaceful atmosphere with picturesque view of the surroundings makes it a must-see attraction in Darjeeling. Many tourists visit this place every year.

Darjeeling Peace Pagoda is a tourist attraction

Darjeeling Peace Pagoda

Best time to visit

4 AM to 7 PM. If interested in prayers, 4.30 AM to 6 AM and 4.30 PM to 6.30 PM.

The best time to visit Darjeeling is between April and June. The temperatures between 20C (68F) and 25C (77F) in these months.

How to get to Peace Pagoda

The best way to reach is by taxi. Shared taxis are cheaper than private taxis. You can get the taxis near Chowk Bazaar, Gandhi Road and other places. You can get buses near Chowk Bazaar. Based on budget one can plan their mode of transport.

Open timings and Tickets

The place is open from 4.30 AM to 7 PM. There is no entry fee. The prayer times are from 4.30 AM to 6 AM and 4.30 PM to 6.30 PM.

Darjeeling Peace Pagoda Path

Peace Pagoda

Time Required to see

About 1 hour

Things to do at Peace Pagoda

Participate in Prayers
Do Meditation
Take photos and videos
View the Japanese architecture
Enjoy the peaceful surroundings
Sometimes not doing anything is the thing to do

Japanese Temple

There is a Japanese Buddhist temple (Nipponzan Myohoji) in the premises of Peace Pagoda. Built in 1972 with Japanese Architecture. There are images of Buddha and Fujii Guruji. There is a prayer room upstairs. Prayers are offered during prayer hours with beating of drums.

Darjeeling Japanese Temple

Darjeeling Japanese Temple

History and Architecture

Nichidatsu Fujii (Fujii Guruji), a Buddhist monk from Japan guided to build the 94 ft Peace Pagoda. Nichidatsu Fujii was the founder of the Nipponzan-Myōhōji Buddhist Order. The Peace Pagoda was designed by Dr. M Ohka of Japan. It was built in 3 years. The Pagoda was inaugurated in 1992.
There is a lion on either side of the staircase of Peace Pagoda. There are 4 avatars of Buddha in different postures. The life events of Buddha are carved on the stone.




Photography is not allowed during Prayers in the Prayer room.


Restrooms (unusable)

Tourist attractions in and around Darjeeling

Tiger Hill
Toy train ride
Batasia loop
Observatory hillview point
Darjeeling ropeway
Tenzing and Gombu rocks
Rageet Valley Tea Garden
Happy Valley Tea Garden
Gopaldhara Tea Garden
Mirik lake and garden
Pashupati market in Nepal
Mahakal Temple
Pineview point
Simanaview point
Ghum Monastery
Darjeeling Zoo and Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
Japanese Temple and Peace Pagoda
Dali Monastery

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